On October 7, 1911 Oliver J. Bond wrote to Col. C. S. Gadsden, Chair of The Citadel’s Board of Visitors:
“I have received a letter from Major Russell at Staunton, which I enclose for your consideration. I spoke to the Corps of Cadets in the Chapel a few minutes ago and gave them a little talk on the history of the Boxer Movement and the Boxer fund for the education of the Chinese in the Colleges of the United States. I told them that these students come from the upper classes of Chinese Society, and read them Russell’s letter. I then asked them to express an opinion as to how his prospective student would be received socially by them. I find that the sentiment was almost unanimous in favor of receiving the young man, and some of the cadet officers have requested that if he comes he be assigned to their room.
Under these circumstances I recommend that this young man be received as a cadet, and if it meets your approval will ask that you telegraph me so that I can communicate with Mr. Russell immediately.”
We have not yet found correspondence between Col. Bond and Maj. Russell, who was a 1902 graduate of The Citadel and in 1911 the Headmaster of the Staunton Military Academy in Virginia.
Col. Gadsden responded to Bond in a letter dated October 14, 1911:
“Referring to your letter of the 7th, in reference to the admittance of a Chinaman as a cadet in the Academy, I replied “that I thought the Board of Visitors had passed a resolution that only English speaking pupils would hereafter be received, if not I would agree to your proposition” this action was taken after our failure in efforts to secure applicants from Cuba. I now confirm that wire.
I have been informed by the Secretary of the Board, that the following resolution was passed in December 1905. REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION. “Resolved - That hereafter no Cadet be admitted to the Academy, who cannot take the studies of the academy as laid down in the curriculum.”
Bond to Gadsden, October 7, 1911, from the Oliver J. Bond Papers
Gadsden to Bond, October 14, 1911, from the Oliver J. Bond Papers
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