Welcome to the LibGuide on Citadel uniforms! This guide is intended to provide information about Citadel uniforms over the years - what they looked like and how they have changed. Some sources used in this guide include Regulations, Official Registers of Officers and Cadets, Board of Visitor Meeting Minutes, and photographs from The Citadel Archives and Museum collections. Many of these sources are online on our Digital Collections website and when applicable, hyperlinks will be provided to the original material. The content level will vary throughout the years. For example, we have many more photographs for the 1890s than for the 1840s. Lastly, this guide is not intended to be a definitive resource on all things relating to Citadel uniforms and if you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact The Citadel Archives at archives@citadel.edu.
Guide created by Alexandra Adler
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P: 843.953.6845 | F: 843.953.8446 | Text: 843.605.4536 | reference@citadel.edu
© 2018 Daniel Library