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PSYC500: Human Growth and Development (Matthews)

Class Participation Activities

Class Participation Activities.   Class participation activities will consist of an accumulation of points for a total of 50 points.  Some activities are worth fewer points than others (see below) are.  You must complete a combination of the following activities to receive all 50 points.  If you have not completed fifty points worth of activities by 11/27/17, your class participation activity score will consist of the total points you have accumulated so far.

1) Movies:  The cinema often describes, either via comedy or drama, certain aspects or issues related to human development.  Please choose movies that you have not seen recently.  Enjoy the film, and then focus on either the plot as a whole or a single character to answer the relevant questions.  If VCR or movie access is a problem, let me know.  You can watch these movies in group settings but be sure to develop your report independently.  To get credit for this, you need to write up a report for the movie viewed in the prescribed format see attached page.  25 points each.

2)  Interview:  Spend at least two hours interviewing and/or home visiting someone to get a sense of what his or her life is like with their particular challenge or situation.  You may interview someone you know, but hopefully you will gather new information and insight.   To get credit for this, you need to write up a report in the prescribed format see attached page. 25 points each.

3) Experiments.  You may participate in a research experiment and write a one paragraph summary of the purpose of this experiment.  25 points each.

4) Empirical  Paper.  You may elect to write another one page summary article discussing an empirical research study.  Empirical refers to having collected data.  Consequently, the article must contain data collected by the authors of the article.  Review papers in which other researchers’ data are reviewed, papers that are opinion papers or theoretical papers with no data are not acceptable for this assignment.  This paper should follow the same format as that described for the required Empirical Paper.  See additional handouts for the precise form and scoring of this paper. 50 points.