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HIST 203 Introduction to the Discipline of History: Charleston, 1670-1860: Dr. Mushal

This guide will help you search primary and secondary source materials, including South Carolina historic newspapers.

Charleston Newspaper Microfilm @Daniel Library

1. Charleston Courier, Jan. 1803-June,1852;

Charleston Daily Courier, July 1852-April 1873; Location: Microfilm cabinet #4

News & Courier, April 1873-Dec. 1873;

News & Courier, Dec. 10, 1873 - Sept. 30, 1991, Merged with Evening Post, 1978

The Post & Courier, Oct 1, 1991-Dec. 31, 2013 (latest received) Arranged alphabetically in microfilm cabinets.

2. South Carolina Gazette, weekly newspaper published 1732-1775. Location: Microfilm cabinets, # 26, bottom drawer.


Suggested Newspaper Databases

19th Century Newspapers

Charleston Mercury (Charleston, S.C.) Covers Jan 02, 1854-Dec 31, 1859

Charleston Tri-Weekly Courier (Charleston, S.C.) Covers July 16, 1853-Dec 30, 1896. Some gaps in coverage for 1855, 1858, 1864-66.

Would you like to learn more about newspapers' publication histories? Select "Publications List," from alphabetized list, select the newspaper title, then in the description for that newspaper, click on "View Detailed Information."



Suggested Websites