Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design by David BinkleyISBN: 9780470031360
Publication Date: 2008-08-04
Analog CMOS integrated circuits are in widespread use forcommunications, entertainment, multimedia, biomedical, and manyother applications that interface with the physical world. Althoughanalog CMOS design is greatly complicated by the design choices ofdrain current, channel width, and channel length present for everyMOS device in a circuit, these design choices afford significantopportunities for optimizing circuit performance. This book addresses tradeoffs and optimization of device andcircuit performance for selections of the drain current, inversioncoefficient, and channel length, where channel width is implicitlyconsidered. The inversion coefficient is used as a technologyindependent measure of MOS inversion that permits design freely inweak, moderate, and strong inversion. This book details the significant performance tradeoffsavailable in analog CMOS design and guides the designer towardsoptimum design by describing: An interpretation of MOS modeling for the analog designer,motivated by the EKV MOS model, using tabulated hand expressionsand figures that give performance and tradeoffs for the designchoices of drain current, inversion coefficient, and channellength; performance includes effective gate-source bias anddrain-source saturation voltages, transconductance efficiency,transconductance distortion, normalized drain-source conductance,capacitances, gain and bandwidth measures, thermal and flickernoise, mismatch, and gate and drain leakage current Measured data that validates the inclusion of importantsmall-geometry effects like velocity saturation, vertical-fieldmobility reduction, drain-induced barrier lowering, andinversion-level increases in gate-referred, flicker noisevoltage In-depth treatment of moderate inversion, which offers low biascompliance voltages, high transconductance efficiency, and goodimmunity to velocity saturation effects for circuits designed inmodern, low-voltage processes Fabricated design examples that include operationaltransconductance amplifiers optimized for various tradeoffs in DCand AC performance, and micropower, low-noise preamplifiersoptimized for minimum thermal and flicker noise A design spreadsheet, available at the book web site, thatfacilitates rapid, optimum design of MOS devices andcircuits Tradeoffs and Optimization in Analog CMOS Design is thefirst book dedicated to this important topic. It will helppracticing analog circuit designers and advanced students ofelectrical engineering build design intuition, rapidly optimizecircuit performance during initial design, and minimizetrial-and-error circuit simulations.