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Professional Military Reading Lists

This guide directs you to each military branch's professional reading list.

Professional Military Reading Lists

Chief of Staff of the Air Force (CSAF) Reading List

General Ronald Fogleman created the CSAF Professional Reading Program in 1996 to develop a common frame of reference among Air Force members -- officers, enlisted, and civilians -- to help each of us become better, more effective advocates of air and space power. Each CSAF since then has enhanced and continued the Professional Reading Program.

The U.S. Army Chief of Staff’s Professional Reading List

The U.S. Army Chief of Staff's Professional Reading List is divided into three categories: Armies at War: Battles and Campaigns, The Army Profession and Strategy and the Strategic Environment. These sub-lists are intended to steer readers to topics in which they are most interested. Each of these books is suitable for readers of any rank or position.

Coast Guard Commandant's Reading List

The Coast Guard Reading List provides recommended books related to leadership, Coast Guard history and culture, and contemporary issues. The list is not all-inclusive; the goal is to provide a starting point or expand existing knowledge and skills. This list has been transformed into a living reading list that will be updated as soon as new additions are approved. 

U.S. Marine Corps Reading List

The Marine Corps Commandant's Professional Reading List (a/k/a the Marine Corps Reading List) is a list of required annual reading for all active duty and reserve officer and enlisted Marines.

U.S. Navy Professional Reading List

Navy Reading is the official website of the Chief of Naval Operations Professional Reading Program (CNO PRP), and is maintained by CNO PRP program managers at the U.S. Naval War College. The CNO PRP encourages a lifelong habit of reading and learning for all Sailors. Reading, discussing, and understanding the ideas found in the CNO PRP will not only improve our critical thinking skills, but will also help us become better Sailors, citizens, and most importantly, leaders.  This list is not intended to limit professional reading in any way, but merely to provide easy access to a few of the many titles that will benefit our service.

All reading list descriptions are taken directly from their program's official website.

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