Almanac of American Politics - political overview for each state with background and analysis of Congessional Districts [Ref. JK271. B343] Library Use Only
Politics in America - details on careers and positions of all members of Congress [Ref. JK1010 P64] Library Use Only
2014 - 114th Congress (online)
Congressional Quarterly Almanac - annual narrative account of Congressional activity, legislation, rollcall votes [Government Document]
U.S. Congressional Serial Set - reports, documents and journals from 1817 through 1980, including all pictures and maps. This is a rich collection of primary sources on all aspects of American history, from the Executive and Legislative Branches of goverment [Goverment Document]
Almanac of American Politics 1984-2016
Congress and the Nation 1977-2012 (95th-112th Congress) - includes legislation, issues, and events. Call number REF JK 1001 C6 (use the index)
Congressional Quarterly Almanac 1948-2014 - includes provisions, background, and major players
Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 1992-2016 - key players