Fiction is located on both floors of the Daniel Library; however, here are some areas you may want to explore:
You can find specific titles by searching our Daniel Library Catalog, or ordering books through Inter-Library Loan.
Non-fiction is located throughout the library; however, there are some areas that you may want to first explore:
You find certain titles or authors by searching our catalog, or requesting materials through Inter-Library Loan.
Poetry is located throughout the library; however, there are some groupings that you may want to explore:
You find certain titles or authors by searching our catalog, or requesting materials through Inter-Library Loan.
Many, but not all, comics are in the recreation reading at The Daniel Library; areas to explore include:
Remember, comics may also be listed as graphic novels. You can find specific titles by searching our Daniel Library Catalog, or ordering books through Inter-Library Loan.
Many, but not all, fantasy works are in the recreation reading at The Daniel Library; areas to explore include:
We also suggest searching in WorldCat Discovery for any specific titles or authors that you may wish to locate.
Books aren't the only way to read leisurely! Here are other examples of leisure reading:
Visit The Daniel Library's website at any time to view available leisure reading, library announcements, and more!